CMI Site Visits
What's a Site Visit?
During a site visit, a representative of CMI, our safety training team, will meet you onsite.
They will review the site hazards with you, ensuring you are working in a safe environment. They will report back on unsafe sites so that we can take action.
See below for more details.
Ready to earn 10 Barry Bucks while helping your coworkers remain safe?
The biggest way to earn Barry Bucks is a Site Safety Visit - at 10 bucks per associate onsite!
A Site Safety visit includes having a representative from CMI meet you onsite to go over any potential safety hazards onsite. The CMI Rep will review your forms and job tasks and watch your activities for a short while.
These visits help the Isett Safety Committee plan training topics and have a better understanding of the onsite activities of our associates. There is no way to "fail" a site visit!
To sign up, please email potential sites and dates to: or
No particular timeframe necessary!