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Barry Bucks Policy

The Barry Bucks Program

  • Associates are able to accrue 25 Barry Bucks every quarter and must redeem points prior to accruing any more.​

  • Associates will never lose Barry Bucks while employed at Isett.

  • Barry Bucks hold no cash value other than for redemption for gift cards purchased by the safety committee.

  • Barry Bucks are an Isett associate "perk" and unused bucks are forfeited if the associate leaves Isett.

Tracking Bucks

  • All Barry Bucks are housed within the Barry Bucks site. 

  • In case of technical difficulties, an additional spreadsheet is maintained.

  • It is encouraged that employees also track their BBs incase a discrepancy arises.

  • Associates will be alerted when their total reaches 25 bucks. 

    • Associates may turn in as few as 15 bucks.​

Gift Cards

  • Most gift cards will be purchased through

  • All gift cards will be sent to email addresses.

  • If associates want to request a gift card not listed on the site, they may email

  • Gift Cards must be available to purchase for digital sending, with no additional add-on expenses (i.e. no Visa gift cards with $3.95 startup fee). 

Group Rewards

  • Quarterly, all bucks will be tabulated and extra rewards given to various departments or offices, based on the following schedule:

  • Q1: Department with the highest average bucks 

    • Total bucks earned in the quarter, divided by the number of people in the dept. ​

  • Q2: Office with the highest average bucks

    • Total bucks earned in the quarter, divided by the number of people in the office.​

  • Q3: Department with highest participation 

    • Total number of people in the department who earned bucks, divided by number of people in the department.​

  • Q4: Department most improved this year​

    • Average bucks per department compared to Q1 average department score, by percent.​

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